I am very proud and happy to be President of the Tipton Family Association of America. I want to thank Robert Tipton Nave for nominating me for the office and the association members for their confidence in electing me at our October meeting. I plan to devote time and energy to our family’s association providing the public with knowledge of the achievements of the Tiptons and helping descendants obtain the information they seek about our Tipton family.
I am a descendant of Colonel John Tipton (1730-1813) through his son, Captain Jacob Tipton (1765-1791) and his son, General Jacob Tipton (1790-1839). My mother was born and raised in Covington, Tipton County, West Tennessee.
I have had the pleasure of association with many of our members visiting about questions of genealogy and history of the Tipton family. I have met many of those family members through my website. I would invite each of you to visit the site, make a comment in the blog and contact me to further our personal acquaintance.
I thank Tom Manning for his service as President of the TFAA.
It was pleasing to see a dozen or more Tiptons and Tipton descendants gather to learn about the family and their connections to it at the recent meeting in Elizabethton. While the majority of those attending live within a hundred miles of Carter County, there were folks from as far away as Washington, DC; north central Kentucky and Chattanooga.
Robert Tipton Nave began the day’s program with his presentation:
Rambling with Robert Tipton Nave
An expert genealogist, archivist, librarian and historian of the Tipton family and the history of early East Tennessee, Robert told stories and answered questions. He was informative and enjoyed by all.
In addition to my comments regarding my research on the life of Colonel John Tipton and Bill Tipton’s narrative about his trip to West Tennessee to find out about the settlement of that area by our family,
Bob Tipton, Co-Administrator of the Tipton DNA Project gave the group an update on the activities of this project. Anyone wanting more information can contact Bob at rrtipton@gmail.com.
David W. Tipton, whose grandfather was Frank William Tipton born 13 Jul 1903 at Milligan College, Carter County, Tennessee, is looking for any information about his great-grandfather, Augustus T. (Gus) Tipton, who first married Margaret Evalen Bowman and second Polly Ann Barnett. If you can help David, call him at (423) 538-4619 or (423) 968-1669.
Lastly, everyone present formed a group that shared information and fielded questions.
As President, I am proposing two things to enhance the Tipton Family Association of America in the coming year.
First, have a meeting in one year with planning that can start now. By having meetings over the Columbus Day weekend, Tiptons and descendants who want to attend can plan ahead and have a long weekend to make the trip to the gathering.
David Tipton of Piney Flats suggested the next meeting be at Rocky Mount. David is past president of the Rocky Mount Board of Directors and offered the location without fee for the next Tipton Family Association of America meeting. If all fits in place, that meeting would be on October 8th, 2011.
Second, launch a website for the organization. Prior to the meeting, I met with a website designer and established the parameters for a dynamic site designed to meet the needs of Tiptons and descendants no matter where they live; most importantly, the site would host a blog serving as a queries conversation so people can ask questions and get help from Tiptons everywhere.
The website would feature pictures of Tipton family and historic sites from throughout the United States and perhaps even from the village of Tipton, England. The website would have a magazine section for contributed stories, a gift shop, research information and could archive newsletters, etc. This website as envisioned would not be static; it would have interactive picture display and pop-ups to make it appealing to all who visited. All of these features do contribute to a higher cost than one might spend to do a static website. It would be professionally monitored on a regular basis.
To launch the website, at a cost of about $ 900.00, the TFAA will need donations to cover that cost. Please send your donations to John Parrish, President, Tipton Family Association of America at 314 Oak Place, Asheville, North Carolina, 28803. I don’t think our association has a dynamic future in this internet world without a website and we all need a place to make our genealogical/historical inquiries and get answers. Several donations were made at the October meeting toward this website project.
Numerous research resources, as follows, were available at the meeting:
Dale Reed’s book John Tipton, John Sevier, and The State of Franklin $ 17.00
John Parrish’s book The Life of Colonel John Tipton $ 9.00
Teter Nave, Pioneer of East Tennessee by Robert Tipton Nave $ 30.00
History of the Iron Industry in Carter County, Tennessee to 1860
By Robert Tipton Nave $ 20.00
Copy of Spoden Map, Courtesy Sycamore Shoals State Park $ 1.00
Copy of Keesee Map $ 2.00
The Watauga Land Purchases by Troy R. Keesee is available from the Sycamore Shoals State Park Bookstore.
History of East Tennessee 1740-1800 by George and Juanita Fox can be ordered from the authors at brm887@bellsouth.net. Very informative
There is a new book on the State of Franklin, the Lost State of Franklin by Kevin T. Barksdale which is available through bookstores.
Tiptons: The First Five Generations by Charles D. Tipton can be purchased on CD from the Tipton-Haynes Historic Site Bookstore.
The embroidered Tipton family crest shown in the pictures above and modeled by John Parrish is available to all if you wish to have something embroidered. The set up fee has been paid so your cost would be the article you have embroidered and the charges from:
Doe Valley Printing, 1282 Riverview Drive, Elizabethton, Tennessee 37643. You can place orders by mail or contact Anita Remme at doevalley@comcast.net. or call (423) 542-4616
Please share this newsletter with everyone you know that could be interested in our family’s history and association. If you are receiving this newsletter by snail mail, please let me know your email address so you can get the newsletter electronically and in color. My email is parrish968@aol.com.
Previous newsletters are archived on the TFAA website.
The TFAA and President thank the many TFAA members and friends who support our Association financially. That support makes our family’s association prosper and achieve its goal to preserve Tipton family history in the present!
Please support the Tipton Family Association by making your membership donation to the Tipton Family Association of America on the TFAA website: www.tiptonfamilyassociationofamerica.com
Many Thanks to All Who Make Their Membership Donations to
The Tipton Family Association of America
Tipton Family Membership donations make the TFAA able to accomplish the goals of the membership. In recent years, the TFAA has re-established meetings and newsletters, made the book We Tipton and Our Kin available on CD, provided a plaque in honor of William “Fightin’ Billy” Tipton in Savannah, assisted research in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia on the farmland of Colonel John Tipton and the successful quest to find the burial place of Major Jonathan Tipton. With your financial support, we can continue to succeed and do more!
Visit Us at https://tiptonfamilyassociationofamerica.com