The Tipton Family Association of America
This newsletter contains information regarding the September, 2018 Tipton Family Association of America visit to Tipton, The Midlands, England and information about the October 2018 Tipton Family Association of America meeting in Maryville, Tennessee.
2018 Tipton Family Association of America visit to Tipton, England September 21st thru 23rd
All Tiptons and Tipton descendants are invited to visit the Tipton family ancestral home of Tipton, England on September 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2018. The visit is sponsored by The Tipton Family Association of America and will be hosted in Tipton by the Tipton Town Libraries; Robert Hazel, Library Manager and the Friends of the Library; Jeff Worsey, Chair.
Tipton participants are invited to arrive at the Tipton Library at 1pm local time on Friday, September 21st, 2018. Travel arrangements and expenses are to be made by the Tipton participants individually from their travel departure point/home to Tipton, England and back home. By membership request at the 2017 TFAA meeting, individual travel plans and arrangements are being left to the participants so that each person and /or group is free to make their own other plans/arrangements while visiting England. The majority of those who have indicated they will make the visit to England have also expressed their intention to visit other parts of England on their own and not be part of a larger travel group.
Tipton is a short train ride from Birmingham, England in the English Midlands. Birmingham is England’s second largest city so travel accommodations to Birmingham are easily made. Tipton is a 20 minute train ride from Birmingham. Once in Tipton, the Tipton Library is a short walk from the train station.
Jeff Worsey, Chair of the Friends Group is making his email address,, available and/or he can be contacted by telephone at home 0121 522 4831, on his cell 07796 818 13 or at the Tipton Library 0121 557 1796. Jeff will most likely be providing addition information about transportation and logistics for visiting Tiptons.
Plans for Friday, September 21st include a 1pm reception at the Tipton Library for visiting Tiptons, a talk about Tipton’s history, the Moat Farm of Angle (as in Anglo-Saxon) The Tipton Family Association of America 1510 Duffner Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118 Summer 2018 Newsletter # 33
chieftain Tibba (information about Tibba is scant) and the Green House which is connected with the Tipton family, afternoon tea, a canal boat ride and the evening meal.
Plans for Saturday, September 22nd are to attend the Canal Festival which starts at 10:30am and visit the Black Country Museum. Meals will be arranged during the day.
Sunday is the official day of departure however everyone is more than welcome to linger in Tipton as long as one might wish.
The following is a list of accommodations in Tipton and its proximity:
- The Travelodge is a chain hotel located right by the Black Country Museum.
- The Premier Hotel is a chain hotel about 150 yards from the Travelodge.
- Station Hotel is an independent hotel about 150 yards from the Black Country Museum.
- Legend has it the Station Hotel is haunted!
- The Village Hotel is an up-market hotel about ¼ mile from the Black Country Museum.
Information on all the above is available on the internet.
All of the above are in close proximity to Castle Gate which is an area with numerous restaurants.
Silverdale is a small independent Bed and Breakfast about 1.5 miles from the above.
Any additional questions you may have at this time can be directed to John Parrish, TFAA president at or Jeff Worsey, Tipton Library Friends Group Chair at or thru the contact info provided above. More detail about the daily events will be provided in a subsequent newsletter.
2018 Tipton Family Association of America meeting October 6th in Maryville, Tennessee
The 2018 Tipton Family Association meeting in Maryville, Tennessee will be held October 6th and begin at 8:30am at the Everett Senior Center, 702 Burchfield Street, Maryville, Tennessee 37804. A detailed schedule of the day’s events will be published a month or so before the meeting. The meeting is being arranged and hosted by TFAA members Helen Abbott and Donna Gregory who both live in the Maryville area.
The meetings keynote speaker will be Michael Adare who is the Archivist at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Library. He will talk about the genealogical resources available at the GSMNP Library. Mr. Adare will be available to answer questions after his presentation.The Tipton Family Association of America 1510 Duffner Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118 Summer 2018 Newsletter # 33
On October 5th, all are invited to meet in Cades Cove for a picnic in the park’s picnic area; directions to the picnic area are clearly marked. The picnic begins at 4pm allowing plenty of time for visiting before going around the 11 mile loop that surrounds Cades Cove and featuring homesteads that are representative of the Cove’s past inhabitants. Please bring your own lawn chairs. The meal will consist of pulled pork and chicken, baked beans, potato salad, tea, soft drinks, water and desserts. Also, all paper products. Donations will be appreciated.
Cades Cove, former home to numerous Tipton families, is located in today’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park operated by the National Park Service. GSMNP is the most visited National Park in the United States. Complete park information is available at
In the October 2016 edition of the Tipton Family Association of America newsletter written by John Parrish, a question was raised about the use of funds bequeathed from the Estate of Karen Tancill, a Tipton descendant, to the Tipton Haynes Historical Association. Mr. Parrish and the Board of Tipton Haynes Historical Association are in agreement that the Board of Tipton Haynes properly used all funds that it received from the bequest of Ms. Tancill. Mr. Parrish acknowledges that the statement “there is indication the Board of Trustees used Karen’s monetary gift to cover operating losses of the site in contradiction to Karen’s restriction” and related statements to the media were not substantiated after examination of the will and the association’s financial records, and thus there was no misuse of funds.
At about the same time, the Tipton Haynes Historical Association raised a question in a board meeting about the use of resources by John Parrish when he was acting as the interim director of the Association. The Board and Mr. Parrish are in agreement that Mr. Parrish did not misuse resources of the Association during his service.
Tipton Haynes Historical Association thanks Mr. Parrish for his service to the Tipton Haynes Historical Association, his contribution to American history and the Tipton family in general. Mr. Parrish thanks the Tipton Haynes Historical Association for allowing him to serve as a member of the board of trustees and interim director and commends the Association’s Board of Trustees, and its Co-Director for their hard work in caring for Tipton Haynes Farm and the Association’s contribution to preserving American history.The Tipton Family Association of America 1510 Duffner Drive, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118 Summer 2018 Newsletter # 33
This past Spring, I moved from Upper East Tennessee to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I was born and raised in Oklahoma City and have children and grandchildren residing in Oklahoma. It is a great pleasure for me to once again be among my family and near my grandchildren.
John Parrish
Please share this newsletter with everyone you know that could be interested in our family’s history and association. If you are receiving this newsletter by snail mail, please let me know your email address so you can get the newsletter electronically and in color. My email is
Previous newsletters are archived on the TFAA website.
The TFAA and President Kathy Hoffmann thank the many TFAA members and friends who support our Association financially. That support makes our family’s association prosper and achieve its goal to preserve Tipton family history in the present!
Please support the Tipton Family Association by making your membership donation to the Tipton Family Association of America on the TFAA website:
Many Thanks to All Who Make Their Membership Donations to
The Tipton Family Association of America
Tipton Family Membership donations make the TFAA able to accomplish the goals of the membership. In recent years, the TFAA has re-established meetings and newsletters, made the book We Tipton and Our Kin available on CD, provided a plaque in honor of William “Fightin’ Billy” Tipton in Savannah, assisted research in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia on the farmland of Colonel John Tipton and the successful quest to find the burial place of Major Jonathan Tipton. With your financial support, we can continue to succeed and do more!

Dedication Plaque in Savannah